We apply the adage that prevention is better than cure when it comes to keeping our human athletes safe by requiring all participants in U.S. Equestrian Federation competitions to complete SafeSport training. Our equine athletes deserve the same approach. Every participant in USEF-recognized competition must complete an online SafeSport training course annually. The courses are […]
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Four Steps To Future-Proof Your Partner: Estate Planning for Horse Owners
Horse owners are dedicated to their equine partners, often making personal sacrifices to ensure their horses are well cared for by veterinarians, farriers, and trainers. Horses are pampered with warm blankets, massages and carefully thought-out exercise programs. Regardless of the equine discipline, most owners put their horses first, before themselves, devoting enormous sums of money […]
Read more...Gift Horse: It’s Not The Cost Of The Holiday Pony That Holds Value For Your Child
If you’re a parent considering getting your child a horse or pony for Christmas, I have some advice for you. I’ve been there and done that, and while it can be a hugely rewarding process for everyone involved, you must go into it with your eyes wide open. It’s vital to keep front and center […]
Read more...Shady Deals: How to Spot the Warning Signs When Horse Shopping
Q: I’m shopping for my first horse. I’ve been warned about sellers who misrepresent their sale horses—what types of situations should I be wary of during my search? A: I’m glad that you’re being cautious during this process, because dishonest sales practices occur in the equine industry more than we care to admit. Deceptive practices […]
Read more...When to Call An Equine Lawyer
Armand Leone is an attorney by trade and no stranger to the court room, but when he leased a horse in 2012 that became injured, he was involved in a lengthy and expensive arbitration for which he hired a lawyer. After giving endless “horses 101” lessons to his counsel before any progress could be made […]
Read more...Simple Steps to Avoid Unnecessary Doping Charges: Avoiding the Foreseeable
Today’s competition horses are under constant scrutiny to avoid even perception of doping and training abuses by competition officials and the public. The inability of a horse to protect itself from unscrupulous practices makes strict oversight of training and competition mandatory. This can create and adversarial atmosphere between riders, trainers, stewards, and equestrian regulatory bodies. […]