We apply the adage that prevention is better than cure when it comes to keeping our human athletes safe by requiring all participants in U.S. Equestrian Federation competitions to complete SafeSport training. Our equine athletes deserve the same approach. Every participant in USEF-recognized competition must complete an online SafeSport training course annually. The courses are […]
Read more...Author: jennifer1
Four Steps To Future-Proof Your Partner: Estate Planning for Horse Owners
Horse owners are dedicated to their equine partners, often making personal sacrifices to ensure their horses are well cared for by veterinarians, farriers, and trainers. Horses are pampered with warm blankets, massages and carefully thought-out exercise programs. Regardless of the equine discipline, most owners put their horses first, before themselves, devoting enormous sums of money […]
Read more...Gift Horse: It’s Not The Cost Of The Holiday Pony That Holds Value For Your Child
If you’re a parent considering getting your child a horse or pony for Christmas, I have some advice for you. I’ve been there and done that, and while it can be a hugely rewarding process for everyone involved, you must go into it with your eyes wide open. It’s vital to keep front and center […]
Read more...Protective Riding Vests: Perceived or Actual Protection?
Traditional padded safety vests for fall protection have been on the equestrian market for about 15 years. Initially designed for the cross-country phase of eventing, their use has expanded to other equestrian disciplines. The move to mandate protective vests—often called back or body protectors—in competition has been much discussed, but I don’t think a blanket […]
Read more...Selling A Horse? What To Consider And How To Mitigate Risks In Off-Farm Trials
It wasn’t all that long ago that a prospective buyer would try a horse once, maybe pop a few fences, and then decide whether to buy it. Sometimes they’d come back the next day for a second ride to finalize their decision and call their veterinarian. But the landscape of what buyers expect before they […]
Read more...Opinion: Proposing A Peacock Stirrup Ban To Protect Children
There have been many discussions following the publication of my article on why I believe that hook-and-loop stirrups should be banned at all USEF competitions. The stirrups, sometimes called peacock or hook-and-loop stirrups, present a clear and present danger to those who use them, and U.S. Equestrian Federation has a duty of care to ban […]
Read more...Opinion: Ban Hook-and-Loop Safety Stirrups
To protect its youngest members, the U.S. Equestrian Federation should prohibit rubber band and hooked safety stirrups from being used at recognized competitions. This hook-and-loop design, often called a “peacock stirrup,” has been used for a long time to prevent a fallen rider from getting caught in the stirrup and being dragged. However, these stirrups […]
Read more...Between Rounds: Why Team Selections Need A National Jumping Championship
I was involved in the fielding and funding of international U.S. equestrian teams as well as selecting coaches for those teams from 1992 through 2012, first as a member and officer of the U.S. Equestrian Team and then as vice president of international high performance at our national governing body USA Equestrian, now the U.S. […]
Read more...‘Not A Bicycle’: Addressing Horse Welfare In Equitation
Equitation classes in the United States are often used as stepping stones to the upper levels of hunter and jumper competition. Yet, as a spectator at some of the 2022 year-end equitation championships, I was struck by how far the sport has deviated from its origins and how our horses are paying the price. As […]
Read more...A Case for Revitalizing the Local Horse Show
Before the advent of multi-month destination competitions, traveling to local and regional horse shows on different weekends was the backbone of equestrian sport in the United States. One-day “trailer-in horse shows” and two- or three-day competitions with some stabling were usually hosted by a local riding stable or farm and provided the horse and rider […]